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Writer's pictureAbsolute Pest Control Hawaii PCO#1409

"Exploring the Fascinating World of Hawaii's Creepy Crawlers"

If you are planning a trip to Hawaii, you might be curious about the local insect population. While Hawaii is home to a variety of fascinating creatures, due to its isolated location, some harmful bugs and animals are not found on the islands. However, there are still some insects that might make you uncomfortable during your stay.

While some people may have concerns about encountering scary insects or animals in Hawaii, the likelihood of it happening is extremely low. Due to Hawaii's unique location as an island, many harmful bugs and animals have never existed here. Some examples of creatures that are not typically found in Hawaii include poisonous snakes, dart frogs, black widow spiders, alligators, crocodiles, raccoons, squirrels, lions, tigers, rhinos, and bears.

Okay? So What Might I find?

Bed Bugs:

It's possible that you may have encountered bed bugs if you've woken up with itchy, swollen red marks on your body after a restless night's sleep. Bed bugs are unfortunately common in some condominium buildings and hotels in Honolulu, especially those with a high number of residents, which increases the likelihood of bed bugs entering the building.

Bed bugs are small, flat bugs that feed on human and animal blood during the night. In Hawaii, they typically range in size from 1mm to 7mm. Fortunately, bed bugs are not known to spread. These pests often enter homes by hiding in objects that travel from place to place, such as luggage bedding, and clothing. If you have an infestation of bed bugs in your home, it is recommended that you call a professional or use pesticides specifically formulated to treat bed bugs. Additionally, all laundry should be washed in hot water and dried with high heat, as bed bugs cannot survive in high temperatures.

If your bed bug infestation is severe, you may want to consider replacing your bed and bagging the old bed in plastic to kill the bugs. While it's difficult to fully prevent bed bug infestations, as these pests are found on all the Islands and can be transported through traveling objects, there are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of bed bugs in your home. These include inspecting furniture before bringing it inside, removing clutter around the bed, repairing peeling wallpaper, tightening loose electrical switches, and always checking luggage while traveling to ensure you're not transporting bed bugs. Lastly, call a professional. Call us here at Absolute Termite & Pest Control Hawaii for a free estimate today.


When purchasing a home in Hawaii, a termite inspection is typically conducted during the closing period, which may prompt homeowners to wonder about termites in Hawaii. There are two types of termites that are most prominent in Hawaii: the Formosan subterranean termites known as ground termites and the West drywood termites. These small creatures, which are often unseen, are known to cause over $100 million in damage in Hawaii each year, according to the University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture. Mites enter homes in Hawaii by building tunnels, known as "mud tubes," to enter through the ground and then access all the wood in a building, causing significant damage and even causing homes to collapse.


Cockroaches are unfortunately a common occurrence in Hawaii, to the point where us locals have given them a nickname: the B-52. This nickname is a reference to the B-52 bomber airplane used by the Air Force since the 1950s. While the nickname may sound intimidating, it's important to know that cockroaches in Hawaii are generally not harmful to humans.

There are nearly twenty different species of cockroaches in Hawaii, and they can be found almost everywhere. Even the cleanest homes in Hawaii are likely to encounter a roach. Roaches in Hawaii are diverse. They fly, crawl, and eat any food they can find. While spreading germs and disease, cockroaches will not physically harm you.

Encountering a cockroach inside your home in Hawaii can be a shocking experience. However, there are a few preventative measures you can take to the likelihood of encountering these pests. These include keeping your home clean and free of clutter, sealing any cracks or crevices in your home's walls or foundation storing food in airtight containers, and promptly cleaning up any spills or crumbs. It's important to note that cockroaches may still be seen on walls and sidewalks when outdoors, regardless of preventative measures taken inside the home.

To prevent cockroaches from entering your home in Hawaii, it's important to block any holes in walls, under doors, around light fixtures, and in windows. Additionally, you should close your windows or install tight screens to prevent cockroaches from flying in at night. Keeping your home clean by regularly cleaning dishes and taking out the trash also important, as cockroaches are attracted to any kind of food they can find. Finally, having a professional regularly spray your home for cockroaches can help prevent a major infestation. Contact us here at Absolute Termite & Pest Control Hawaii today, we provide affordable and trusted pest control solutions for your residence and place of business.


Centipedes in Hawaii are often feared by locals, with the scolopendra subspinipes type being the most venomous. Their bites are known to be very painful and can even require a hospital visit for some people When biting, the centipede will hold on tight and often only releases after a strong beating. While the bites are very painful, they do heal almost 100% of the time, often in less than one week

Centipedes in Hawaii can range in size from one to twelve inches, and regardless of their size, their bites are known to be painful. These centipedes are often red, orange, or brown in color and have 30 legs, which can be quite intimidating.

Centipedes in Hawaii can be found both indoors and outdoors. If you're planting a garden, you're likely to encounter a centipede in the dirt. Similarly, if you're building a wall, a centipede be present. They can also be found under carpets, on wet bathroom floors, and in kitchens, among other areas in the home.

To prevent centipedes from entering your home in Hawaii, it's important to block any holes in walls, under doors, around light fixtures, and in windows. Additionally, keeping your home clean by cleaning at least weekly is important, as is avoiding dampness in your home. If the floor is wet, it should be mopped up, and any leaks in walls or around faucets should be filled with caulk or addressed by a professional. Finally, it's best to avoid sleeping on the floor, as centipedes are often found on the ground.


Spiders can be found throughout the Hawaiian Islands, from the mountaintops to the seaside, and inside buildings in between. There are over 200 different species of spiders in the islands, with a couple of highly venomous types. Here are some of the most commonly sighted spiders in Hawaii:

There are several species of spiders commonly found in Hawaii, including the highly venomous Brown Widow/Brown Violin Spider and Southern Black Widow.

The Hawaiian Garden Spider is less venomous and has striped yellow and black legs, while the Cane Spider is also less venomous but is known for its large size and hairy brown appearance.

Other less venomous spiders found in Hawaii include the Hentz Orb-Weaver, Western Spotted Orb-Weaver, Hawaiian Happy-face Spider, Spiny-backed Orb-Weaver, Red House Spider, Grey House Spider, and Barn Funnel Spider.

If you have a spider issue in your home or place of business here in Hawaii, it's important to determine whether or not it's venomous. Give us a call today, the same treatment used for roaches can be used for spiders.

Preventing spiders from entering your home in Hawaii starts with preventing dark and abandoned areas, as spiders are often drawn to these types of spaces. It's important to keep your home clean and free of clutter as well as to seal any cracks or gaps in walls, windows, and doors. Additionally, keeping outdoor lights off or using yellow bulbs can help prevent spiders from being attracted to your home. Finally, regularly cleaning your home and removing any spider webs can also help prevent spiders from taking up residence. Regular general pest control maintenance is an excellent way to upkeep your home and prevent unwanted spiders and other pests.

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