If you're experiencing post powder beetles in your home, tent fumigation, heat treatment or in minor infestations even a localized treatment will help. Our team of experts provide licensed and effective home fumigation services using Vikane gas treatment. We are also comprehensive and thorough with localized treatment, and heat treatment. Contact us today, we proudly serve all of the island of Oahu, and we are here to help. Protect your home from post powder beetles and schedule an appointment online with us today.
We offer free estimates for tent fumigation, Ask us about bundling a ground treatment and tent fumigation service today and hear more about our amazing discount! Wondering if Tent Fumigation is right for you? Check out our Blog for more information! Click To Read: "Is Tent Fumigation Necessary For Post Powder Beetles?"
Post Powder Beetles
Do you live on Oahu? Call us today for a free estimate for your home. Our post powder beetles services can help. We also provide a multitude of services for your personal preference.
1. Post powder beetles are small wood boring insects that primarily infest dried or seasoned wood, including furniture and structural timbers.
2. They are known for the fine powder they leave behind as they tunnel through the wood, which is a sign of an active infestation.
3. Adult beetles are typically brown or black and measure about 1/8 to 1/4 inch in length.
4. These beet can live for several years, with larvae feeding on wood for up to three years before emerging as adults.
5. Effective control measures include eliminating moisture repairing damaged wood, and applying insecticides if necessary. Call us at Absolute Termite & Pest Control your local pest professional today or schedule yourself online.
Looking for a free estimate or want to schedule an appointment online? Reach out to us today and we'll be happy to assist you!